"Like it or not, you are a negotiator. Negotiation is a fact of Life." wrote Roger Fisher and William Ury in their book's introduction Getting to Yes, written 4 decades back.
Negotiations are important in our daily life e.g. salary negotiations and career advancement, buying and selling transactions and managing conflict at work and home. Even our kids learn the art of negotiation mostly from us.
Gerard I. Nierenberg said on first opening line "The consequences of our negotiations are life long", in his book The Complete Negotiator.
Negotiation is an opportunity. In 2024, William Ury in his new book (Possible) writes it is the path to possible.
Learn to negotiate wisely (Nego+Wise). Build and grow the negotiation muscle. Negotiation is a learnable skill and we can become better through practice.
Negowise.com aims to spread research based knowledge about negotiations.